Community stakeholder agreements are best facilitated through frameworks that are built from evidence-based applied research. Creating an economic value chain from human capital improvement requires governance, faith and industry input.
The American Innovation Ecosystem Framework (AIEF) recognizes that across the U.S. our education and workforce systems are ready for change and engagement.
The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT | has investigated the behaviors and characteristics of community stakeholders in targeted regional workforce systems. Our research was based on the postulate that if we better understood the dynamic relationships among the people and organizations within the system, there could be frameworks developed that would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the a new and more transformed system. The focus was on multiple Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) workforce value chain use cases, in low-to-moderate and middle class income communities that have a larger minority population.
Functionally this applied research is ongoing. CEBOT's research considers how “product or service innovations” can be commercialized through iterative “solution domain” activities exchanged on developing network agreements, along a systems based methodology. By enlisting growth algorithms that signal the existance of trusted agreements, new AI exchange systems can ensures quality, governance and transformative productivity through ethical, people-centric, behavioral and knowledge management.
The collaborative nature of this research allows CEBOT the opportunity to create a common good for employers, employees, government, institutions, community, the nation and our global economic ecosystem.
This is accomplished because of CEBOT's legal, non-stock, 501(c)6 status, enhanced with a series of governance, procurement and technology innovations, and effectuated by CEBOT's representation of the over 65,000 minority technology employers with total gross receipts of plus $100 Billion.
AIEF Mission Statement
Our vision of collaboration ensures an increase in community access to workforce opportunities and resources. We accomplish this by utilizing growth algorithms to increase community economic capacity and education relevance through industry led public-private partnerships and research based cooperative agreements.
Building Trusted Networks
Priority on Community Investment -
Govern actions that facilitate trust, agreement and profit utilizing evidence based applied research.
Ensure that role based responsibilities are managed, analyzed and reported to ensure feedback before, during, and after project milestones or iterations.
Ensure there is a viable pipeline of talent supply to our employer member organizations. -
AIEF Program Goals
Design-Based Research Initiatives that advance new ideas and creative approaches to address rapidly evolving economic conditions in both Urban and Rural Communities of Color.
The Council Exchange Board of Trade's Looking Forward Research and Development program office is currently engaged in multiple ongoing longitudinal initiatives all based on the AIEF applied research iterative findings and measured results.
Click on button above to view a current listing of our applied research iterations.
Community Growth Priority
Now more than ever, new kinds of partnerships are critical to community development and industry involvement. Working closely with government entities, high impact non-profits, the education community, and the financial community including banks and capital investment partners our industry approach will effectively pool the expertise and creativity and resources of these diverse organizations and enable our industry to reach new levels of success.
The Mission of the Council Exchange Board of Trade to leverage the Minority Technology Industry's growth to economically empower America’s underserved communities. This will be accomplished by leveraging the collective bargaining powers of our members to aggregate contract award fulfillment in communities that normally would not enjoy the economic impact of Federal, State, or Local contract awards.
CEBOT's ability to create a global economic impact is more fully expressed by the concentrated efforts underway to establish a compendium of evidence-based programs. CEBOT governs as an intermediary the minority tech industry's connection and ability to impact 21st Century global technology growth.
Industry, academia, government and community sourced economic innovation collectively powers our nation's strength, and is empowered by our individual capacity to cognate and manage both opportunity and risk. Future growth is codified by our joint ability to align as an industry to solve large problems giving us a new position of both acceptance and esteem.
Karl Cureton, Executive Chairman
Council Exchange Board of Trade
Accelerating Technology Transfer and Commercialization
We must work to systematically increase the number of minority participants getting on the innovation highway and our partnership with the U.S. Department of Commerce is a critical step towards this goal.
Click Above to View our Federal Tech Transfer Collaboration
Innovation fuels economic growth, the creation of new industries, companies, jobs, products and services, and the global competitiveness of U.S. industries. CEBOT understands that building a pipeline for minority innovators to gain access to America's pioneering innovation ecosystems is vital and full inclusion is a national economic imperative.
Click to View
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Our intent is to create exceptional value exchange between our members and the Council
The Council Exchange Board of Trade is organized as a 501(c)6 Trade Association.
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