Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT)

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Council Exchange Board of Trade
Looking Forward Research & Development

Student to Employee Competence Research


Program Improvement

Instructional Delivery

Aligning  Data-Driven Career-Ready delivery system components  that harmonize student assessment to  success outcomes and relevant regional employment requirements, particularly for the ICT and cyber security industry.

Creating short and long-term industry approved instructional plans and strategies to encourage  problem-solving, critical thinking , and teamwork.  Focused on building resilient communities by developing transformational partnerships with Community Colleges,  HBCUs, MSIs & Tribal Institutions.

Ensure Career and Technology Education (CTE) instructors, university faculty and learning delivery professionals access innovation to create new approaches for students and employers to access work-based knowledge and applied skills development.

Building a Nation of Producers


Ready for Work?

In a very real sense completing high school today is like completing middle school 30 years ago.  We are in the middle of a crisis and Industry has a responsibility to be part of the solution.  The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT) - Looking Forward Research & Development Initiative's design based research develops new industry credentials and certifications.  The Center for Innovation and STEM-CTE Research brings stakeholders together from diverse backgrounds to transform how learning and earning can grow our economy and bring more agency to citizenry.    


Cognitive Development

Design Based

Understanding how information is processed and the creation of models that anticipate effective human thinking.

Cognitive processes include perception, recognition, imagining, remembering, thinking, judging, reasoning, problem solving, conceptualizing, and planning  

CEBOT is engaged in a systematic yet flexible study methodology aimed to improve educational practices in CTE through iterative analysis, design, development, and implementation that is based on collaboration among researchers and practitioners in real-world settings.  Research is both evidence and industry based.

Critical Pedagogy


Discovering learning models that are student centered, facilitating context and questions that provide the learner an opportunity to better frame the knowledge acquisition process as a benefit to future outcomes, rather than earning a grade or passing a test.

Developing a systematic study of the risks, group cultural and social constructs, and other areas of ethnography will build upon itself and assist in future exploration of the cultural phenomena that impacts learning and economic advancement in divers communities.

Coming Fall 2024

A P P R E N T I C E S H I P  I N T E R M E D I A R Y


Cyber Apprenticeships

The CEBOT Cyber Career Workforce Center ( is focused on the specific cybersecurity work role "All-Source Analysis" in the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.  Developing an applied curriculum, deliver classroom instruction, and provide pathways to relevant career, college degree, and/or certification

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New Ideas for
Industry Certification

 Significant inequities in educational resources and opportunities are provided to minority students nationwide.  As a national trade association CEBOT works to provide research innovation that investigates CTE policies, programs, and curriculum that are effective in improving the education and career outcomes for students.

 Our mission is to both discover or innovate funding mechanisms and to research how to reduce the gaps in access to and success in the school to career process, particularly for students who leave high school and go to work in Information Communications and Technology (ICT) positions.

CEBOT represents 65,000 U.S. minority technology companies with combined revenues of over $100 Billion.  Developing an effective, outcome based workforce system is a key mission.   

CEBOT is focused on the development of industry-recognized credential or certification's the secondary and post-secondary level.  Secondary level advancement research in cybersecurity that will ensures students are ready for work requires programed coordination.  CEBOT subscribes to follow the Program of Study Design Framework (Click Image to Download).

Design Based Research
in Cyber Security

The Minority Cyber Inclusion Council works to bridge the gap between industry, government and education in order to inform the minority community about the growing employment and training opportunities.

Council Exchange Board of Trade
Looking Forward Research & DevelopmentManaging Principal Investigators

Brenda Cureton

Karl Cureton

“Partnerships and Policies must promote learning outcomes that are accountable to workforce requirements  and industry credentials that lead to post high school employment for a greater number of U.S. citizens ”.

“Creating written memorandum of agreements (MOAs) with industry associations that promote workforce and economic development strategies that create jobs will attract employers and build communities”.

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The Council Exchange Board of Trade is organized as a 501(c)6 Trade Association.  

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