Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT)

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America's Community Collaboration Platform

Build Demo Day
December 10th, 2020

The path to economic self-sufficiency is a journey, not a one time thing. There are a lot of challenges along the way, including the digital divide, an over load of information, not having a single source of truth, and the diversity of needs in various communities.

The "Journey" below of Chelsea is one of the first artifacts created in the Census Data Sprint.   The CEBOT Tech Team is exploring technology and workflow challenges in designing a system that is designed to "Hack" poverty by better integrating program intent, stakeholder participation and framing a digital pathway for people in need.

Building a New American Economy

America's Community Collaboration Platform

The ACCP Digital Collaboration Platform was created to unify our nation and build together the critical relationships and infrastructure needed to restore the health and economy of the United States.  The broader impact of this research includes new international economic development methodologies.

Pilot Site -

click above to launch website

There’s no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. ACCP brings together industry, government, academia, service providers and community to digitally create a path towards economic mobility and self-sufficiency for targeted participants across United States.

The current version of the ACCP service offering introduces a three year longitudinal research on over 660,000 current HUD housing support recipients located in 50 Public Housing Authority (PHA) jurisdictions across the United States.  This "iMembers Portal" program is set to launch September 13, 2023. 

U.S Census Data LabHUD Digital Collaboration Platform
Self-Sufficiency Concept Pitch

America’s Community Collaboration Platform virtually connects help-desk advocates to citizens facilitating technology readiness, community partnerships and jobs.

Council Exchange Board of Trade

Looking Forward Research & Development

U.S. Census 2020 Open Data Development Sprint

Putting America's data to work for the people


RSA Archer

The Federal Government has strategic data to leverage for problems only the force of the government and industry can mitigate.  

The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT) is participating in a 12-week Data Lab Sprint facilitated by the U.S Department of Commerce, U.S. Census.  CEBOT's Tech Team chose to develop a digital solution for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Self Sufficiency problem.  The problem statement was in alignment with prior CEBOT research on Learning and Technology Based Economic Development.  

CEBOT plans to provide an area benefit through digital navigation and program interoperability for  Low to Moderate income citizens.  The App will connect to a "Help Desk" level service to assist in community navigation.

Direct Line to Data and Federal Data Experts

The Census Lab team will provide the CEBOT Tech Team access to subject-matter and data experts to accelerate their progress. By emphasizing virtual communication, we make cross-sector collaboration easy and effective.

Council Exchange Board of Trade


Click on the Corporate Site and CEBOT Document Library above.

Investing In Growth Today!

Building solutions to our nation’s toughest challenges

Product Development

CEBOT Tech Team meet with Product Specialists from outside of government to help ensure that the products and services created by the team continue after the sprints, so that CEBOT, CEBOT Members and Stakeholders can reach a defined set of target end users and have real, lasting and sustainable impact.

Opportunity Zone Business Investments

Joint Venture Formation Strategy

Looking Forward Research & Development

Federal SponsorThe Opportunity Project 

Click Above to View Census Data Lab Website

Federal government policy experts help to identify problems facing the public. Data stewards from federal agencies answer questions about open data to help the tech teams find and use the best data available to solve the problem. They also listen to feedback from sprint participants to make data more user-friendly.

CEBOT's Sprint2020

 Government  Participation in

The HUD Challenge

Paving a Path to Economic Self-Sufficiency

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

Tech Teams from across the nation are now in an open data "Sprint" to develop digital collaboration platforms that enable low income families to holistically assess their needs and connect with the best federal, state and local programs to equip and empower them toward self-sufficiency and economic mobility.

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HUD Section 3 Policy Changes

CEBOT Opportunity Project Tech Team Site

CEBOT Tech Team

Tech Teams are the private sector companies, universities, non-profits, and even students who participate in sprints to build products that translate open data into valuable tools for people across the country. The tech teams design, own, and help to launch the products they build.

CEBOT Tech Team Role Based Management & Functional Analysis Chart

Reducing Barriers to Independence  with Industry Based Inter-connectivity

Low to Moderate Income Growth Algorithms

The Term Low to Moderate income could be $80,000 for families in Los Angeles.  Providing Community Development Block Grant  (CDBG) qualified Area Benefits "virtually" is relevant and to connect benefits, opportunities and learning resources for applied entrepreneurship becomes effective as data is used to assist in workflow and decision making.  

Demonstrating Area Benefit toLow and Moderate Income Persons

Approximately 30 departments and agencies across the federal government offer over 200 federal programs that could assist low income families in their journeys towards self-sufficiency. There are also innumerable private programs intended to achieve the same end. However, the sheer number of programs and the lack of integration and accessibility create unnecessary barriers for families to find, connect with, and utilize the services that best suit their particular needs.

Digital CollaborationSelf-Sufficiency Requirements

LMI Virtual Business Accelerator App

The CEBOT Led Tech Team has accepted the federal government's statements that it lacks the reach to serve America's most vulnerable.  Government is seeking to work with the private and public sector to extend America's safety net through innovation and community focus.    

For CEBOT's Tech Team connect benefits, opportunities and learning resources for applied entrepreneurship requires a coordination and this government partnership ensures CEBOT access to the federal, state and local data to assist in workflow and participant decision making.  

User Advocate

User Advocates are community leaders, advocates, and people with direct lived experience that can help the tech teams design products that are realistic, useful, and solve a problem for the target end users. For example, user advocates for a veterans problem statement might include service providers and veterans themselves.

CEBOT Community Research
Low to Moderate Income Wealth and Ownership Model

Click Above To View Research 

Building a Nation of Producers

America's economy converges and grows when industry, government and community partners work together and agree to joint profitable and sustainable economic outcomes.

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Sprint2020 SMART HBCU

Economic Equalization

Despite the best efforts of policy and program experts, the hard work of program managers and case workers, and the expenditure of over $1 trillion per year over decades, the current system has not been successful in removing the barriers that hinder families from moving up and out of government dependency and eliminating generational poverty. 
This is a “systems” problem, requiring an innovative approach that leverages modern technology and crowdsourcing within local communities across the country.

CEBOT Tech Team will engaging government, communities, and the technology industry to create digital tools that address the LMI Entrepreneur challenge fostering an onramp to America's Gig Economy.  CEBOT Tech Team includes an Anchor Institution development partnership at Norfolk State University's Cybersecurity Complex.
Empowering ownership and access to area opportunities using government data and technology brings the American Dream to known communities of need. 

Looking Forward Research & Development

CEBOT Opportunity ProjectHBCU/Minority Technology Industry

CEBOT brings the power of one of the fastest growing American industries (the minority technology sector) to view and the design based research includes university partnerships that include the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, their faculty, students and recent graduates.

CEBOT Fellow

Leading private sector innovation applied to government performance and evidence based policy development. Student and Apprentice CEBOT Fellowships are independently developed and administrated.

Census Opportunity ProjectHUD Built Environment Problem
Self Sufficiency for Low to moderate income heads of households
Curate Resources - Accelerate Results

Current Available Datasets

● Picture of Subsidized Households ( link )

● HUD Data Portal ( link )

● American Housing Survey ( link )

● ( link )

● Poverty Data, HHS ( link )

● Bureau of Labor Statistics ( link )

● Department of Commerce ( link )

● HHS Data Initiative ( link )

● HHS Social Services Programs ( link )

● HHS Wellness Programs ( link )

● UC Berkeley Social Welfare Data ( link )

CEBOT Services Intellectual Property

How do we better serve ...?

Opportunity for improved vendor settlements using digital ledger technology to balance accounts and harmonize outcomes.

The Opportunity Project

The Opportunity Project helps companies, non-profits, and universities turn federal open data into new technologies that solve real-world problems for people across the country.

We focus on the nation’s toughest challenges, from the opioid crisis and disaster relief to improving STEM education and strengthening the workforce. To date, 100 consumer-facing digital products have been created, using open data to serve families, businesses and communities nationwide.

CEBOT OppZone Research Roadmap

Click on the button below to view the CEBOT Federal Virtual Intern Program Site

65,000 Minority Technology Companies

The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT) brings a rich history of advocacy and procurement policy guidance within the federal policy ecosystem.  The $110 Billion Minority Technology Industry is a source of jobs to over 550,000 professionals both in the United States and abroad. 

CEBOT  brings applied research & development to growth algorithms that catalyze regional innovation ecosystems, stimulating economic development and uplifting minority business and community.  CEBOT leadership and Senior Fellows bring new capabilities, investment and research capacity to the minority technology industry and to the stakeholders they serve.




Engagement requires value and produces consensus when process is key.  Governance gives rise to planned growth both individually and throughout the ecosystem.

Growth rises when not stifled by moral hazard.   CEBOT algorithms facilitate a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.

Innovation liberates possibilities, improves systems and can transform bureaucracies into managed serviced/resource based functions.   

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Our intent is to create exceptional value exchange between our members and the Council

The Council Exchange Board of Trade is organized as a 501(c)6 Trade Association.  

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